Ephesians 5:22-28 “Wives submit to your husband as to the Lord. Husbands love your wives
just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her; the wife must respect her husband.”

The Big Idea: It’s not about you.

These are not popular teachings in today’s culture. What is Paul saying? The husbands and the wives are both vital to the marriage, but they each have distinctive roles. The husband is called to love and serve his wife as Christ did the church and the wife is called to submit to and respect her husband. They are on the same team, but just in different positions.

In football each player has their own individual role on the field and each position is crucial for a successful game. It’s similar in a marriage.

Just as Christ died and sacrificed for the church, the husband’s role is to sacrificially die to self in order to serve his wife and family effectively.

The wife is referred to as a helper in Genesis 2:18, just as the Holy Spirit is referred to as our helper in John 14:26. The wife’s role of submission and respect doesn’t mean the wife is inferior or that she loses her identity, and neither are her gifts ignored, no more than the church ignores the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

A wise Christ-honoring husband will not take advantage of his leadership role and a wise Christ-honoring wife will not undermine her husband’s leadership. They will rely on each other’s strengths and support each other fully instead.

The Action Step:

Take time to write out a prayer for your spouse. In that prayer, write out a blessing over them including an area or areas that have encouraged you. Read that prayer to them at the end of the day or give them the card so they can read it before going to bed.