Philippians 4:8 “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

The Big Idea: Communication is the key!

Communication is the lifeblood to any relationship; this is especially true in marriage. A couple wouldn’t have to look too far in a bookstore for a communication help book. The biggest misconception we have about communication is that we believe it is based upon how we talk to one another.  While it is true that what we say and the way we say things are extremely important, it all starts in the heart and mind before it ever leaves our lips. When we are at our very worst in communication, there is usually something deeper than a lack of understanding for each other’s words. It seems to have more to do with the thoughts that lead up to the miscommunication. Oftentimes, it is our own expectations that lead us to misinterpret our spouse.

First and foremost, our thoughts should overflow with meditation and prayer to our God. As we spend time with God, He will help guide our thoughts about our spouse. Here are 2 simple questions that we can ask ourselves daily: 

  1. Have I spent time thinking about all the things that my spouse is already doing, or only the things that they “should” be doing?

  2. Am I grateful for the admirable character traits of my spouse, or am I focusing on their areas of weakness?

The Action Step:

Spend some time this week praying for and about your spouse. Thank God for the areas that are true, honorable, right, pure, admirable, excellent and worthy of praise. Try making a “Honey Does” list instead of a “Honey Do” list. Think of encouraging things about your spouse and find creative ways to communicate to them.