Day 1 July 3rd

The Hunger: Hungary 2019

We are off! Ten amazing humans who have prayed and worked hard to be a part of bringing the light of Christ into the dark world of central Europe. Join us daily as we post and share what God is doing in the country of Hungary. Be a part of traveling with the group from 29:11 Church as they pour out their lives to see the impact of God’s love in the lives of the thirty-five students they will be ministering to over the next 14 days. One of the greatest ways you can help is to pray. Each day join hundreds of others as they intercede for the team. You can also read daily posts from each of the team members sharing their perspective on what God is doing day to day. 

As we head out of Phoenix to Budapest on Wednesday, July 3rd - pray over us and know your intersession will make all the difference. Here is a way you can intercede for us to day (each day we will post another way to pray)….

Day 1 Prayer Focus: Pray that God is glorified in every aspect of the trip. Pray for peace and clarity for the team. The enemy will try to use this time to discourage and bring doubt in the team members and their family members. Leaving family is never easy and for some this will be a new experience, exciting but also could be overwhelming. Pray for peace from the Prince of Peace!

Look for a post on what unfolded on Day 1 coming soon!


Day 2 July 4th