Day 7 July 9th

Today’s Prayer Focus: Pray for students, team members and translators to bond and form trusting relationships. Pray the students have clear minds and willing hearts to receive the message of God’s Plan, Hope, and Future for their lives.

Today’s Update:

Today was officially Day 1 of camp. We started the morning by getting on a bus to meet the students at the train station. It was a time of introductions and breaking the ice. It's amazing to look back even at this point and see God's hand interweaving us all together, creating unity within great diversity.

We then embarked on the journey to camp. Train and bus rides in the company of our new friends. Once arrived, we jumped into a time of laughter and games. The ice continued to break between us all as we started to create a community of love and safety. Conversation began and comfortability increased. Not to mention loads of FUN! From volleyball to soccer, football and frisbee, and of course meal time.

We ended the day with a time of singing camp songs, listening to Christian, one of our Hungarian leaders, teach on the parable of the lost sheep, and then discussing in small groups.

Even though the students were relatively shy and slow to open up for the most part, our team experienced many special moments throughout the day. For me personally, I found great joy in connecting with a select few young ladies, taking an interest in their lives, and spending time caring about them in conversation and in company.

Onward to tomorrow, our first day of English classes and our first full day together. Thank you all for your prayers! May God continue to stir in all of our hearts this week and speak to us about His love.

-Bekah Fischer


Day 8 July 10th


Day 6 July 8th