Day 9 July 11th

Todays Prayer Focus:

Pray for a hedge of protection around the team, the students and their families. Pray against attacks of fear and anxiety. Bind any distractions that would keep the team from realizing it's goal!

Today’s Update:

“But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Like 15:32 NIV
Can’t believe that it is already Wednesday and camp is half way over. Getting the chance to connect with all the students has been amazing. Not only are the students learning English but I am also learning Hungarian. By the end of camp the students will be fluent in English and I will (fingers crossed) be fluent in Hungarian. 

Today we started our day off at 6 am for survival day! The students had a lovely wake up call of loud music and the sound of banging pots and pans. It was the only logical way to wake them up for an exciting day. There were about 10 stations with different challenges spread out around the camp and in the village. The farthest station was about a mile/a mile & a half away. So it was a nice work out for the students. Survival day lasted about 4 hours. There were many stations the groups had to go to. Some were easy and some were a bit more challenging.

There were many stations but I’ll only list a few. A slingshot station led by the one and only Marky Mark. A station where you had to build a house that fit one person inside but plot twist...........everyone in the group was blinded folded but one. I had the honor of being at the most “challenging” station (says the students). There was a folded blanket on the ground and the group had to have their feet on the blanket and flip it over to the other side. Their feet were not allowed to touch the ground. 4 out of 6 groups completed this station. Let’s just say the groups got very creative and it was great entertainment to watch. 

Survival day ended and lunch began. As we all gathered to find our seats. I received a bit of a concerning text. It was from Pastor Mark....he was lost. Kecia (leader of the camp) and I went on a rescue mission. Since our cell service is a tad spotty it took some time to pin point Pastor Mark’s exact location. We did find him....on the completely opposite side of where his station was. Pastor Mark got his daily work out in and I got to find our lost sheep.

Lunch was delicious, we started off with fruit soup (extra blended smoothie in a bowl) then the main course was potatoes, spicy sausage, thinly cut pork and fermented cabbage (reminded me of what you put on top of pupusa). For dinner we had freshly made pizza baked in a stone oven. Over all the meals on survival day were my favorite thus far. 

For the evening program Pastor Mark brought 29:11 to Hungary. He talked about the Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15: 11-32 NIV). The lost son was the youngest of 2 boys. The younger son went to his father and asked for his share of the inheritance and left. After the younger son blew all his money, he began to work with pigs and was starving. The younger son came to his senses and went back to his father. “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son” Luke 15:21 NIV. The father was so happy to have his son back he threw a party to rejoice the return of his lost son. Just how Pastor Mark was lost and the whole camp was cheering when we got back.

This is exactly how God feels when we surrender all we are and come home. God isn’t angry and doesn’t make us earn our way back to Him. God celebrates when we come to Him. God keeps us safe and sound, through the highs and lows. When you are with God you feel His presence. That’s how I know we were with God during the message. His presence was so strong, not only did I feel it but the students did as well. God’s words and love just fell out of Pastor Mark and into our hearts. Many girls around me felt the love of God, tears of hope and salvation came pouring out of them.

During the small group discussion time, many more students opened up. Even the ones who are on the edge are wanting to accept Christ. You could feel the Holy Spirit in the air. Jesus was with us and always will be. 



Day 10 July 12th


Day 8 July 10th