Day 7
Call to Action.
Today, you’re completing our Next Step Devotionals. We hope and pray that you feel like you have gained some tools to help you on your journey of getting to know who Jesus is and are beginning to understand what it means to have an authentic relationship with God. By choosing to surrender your life to Jesus, you have said YES to a heavenly Father who has been thinking about you since time began. You have chosen to spend eternity with Him which brings hope into not only the life you’re living right now, but for what is to come. Jesus, God’s Son, overcame death and the grave when he was resurrected so we could be with him forever.
Now comes the most challenging part of your faith in becoming a follower of Jesus… taking him into your everyday. The awesome things you have learned over the last few days can help you grow as new believer in Jesus. It says in 2 Peter 1:3 that, “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.” God has given us all we need to grow in our faith in him. Take those things you’ve learned and start to practice them as daily habits that will help you day after day.
Continue on praying, reading the Bible, and diving into community. Maybe use our our daily SOAP Reading as a tool to read more of God’s word. You could even take the next seven days to re-read these Next Step Devotions to get these ideas ingrained in your life.
One of the greatest ways to grow as new believer is to find a friend to talk about all these exciting new steps you are taking in your life. We can help you connect! Step into a Start Here Session at church, to learn more about being a part of the 2911 Church Community.
If you don’t have a Bible, let us know. Make sure you get a translation that you can understand such as the New International Version or the New Living Translation.
We can’t wait to see you grow!