March 22nd
Scripture - Ephesians 2
Observation - Paul shows that through the resurrection we were once dead in our sins, but now we are alive in Christ. Even though we are born again, Satan is still active in the world, constantly throwing temptation after temptation at us. Our old selves follow Adam and Eve into sinning. BUT! We are also alive in our new lives, turning from sin and death. Paul says that we are reconciled through God’s great love and mercy. We are saved by grace. God worked a very perfect plan together from the very beginning. He knew that his son would pay the price for our sins. That person was Jesus Christ. God didn’t do it because he had to, he did because he always loved humankind.
Application - Even at our worst, unlovable moments, God still loves us and wants every person to know the depths of his love. Are there unlovable parts of your life that you have tried to keep from God? Maybe shame or fear cause you to try to hold those pieces back from God. Take a few moments to hold out your hands as if to physically let God have each of those parts of your life. Christ came to make you whole. Allow him to begin to heal your brokenness. We’re undeserving, yet God loves us so much and sent his only son, Christ to make us whole.
Prayer - God thank you for your never-ending love. I know that your love never fails me. You strengthen us with your power and might. Holy Spirit, guide and direct me. Give me a fresh filling of you. Start in my heart and clean me from the inside out. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.