April 14th

Scripture - Luke 19

Observation - While at Zacchaeus’ house, Jesus used a parable to teach the people about his kingdom. He encouraged the people to remain faithful until the kingdom arrives through the second coming of Jesus. Some of the servants in the parable multiplied what God had trusted them with. One of the other servants in the parable tried to play it safe by holding onto all his belongings. He didn’t manage what the nobleman had entrusted to him and it was taken from the servant.

Then Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. The same people that welcomed him there with praise and triumph would soon be the people that would shout that he should be hung on the cross. The crowd was anticipating that Jesus would soon be their earthly king and free them from Roman rule. Making his way into the city, Jesus wept over the city, knowing that many of the people there, were missing the fact that the True Messiah had come because they were expecting him to look different than he did.

Application - It - In our lives today we can let worry, insecurities, and fear hold us back from doing what God has called us to do. Instead, we should step out to God’s call and be faithful and trust that He knows what he is doing with our lives. What has he given you to manage right now? It might not seem like much, but will you manage and care for why he’s given you?

Prayer - Jesus, help me have faith that goes beyond my own understanding. Take fear out of my life and replace it with your peace. Help me to be faithful with the people and things you have trusted me with to manage. Give me wisdom on how to multiply what you’ve given me, for your glory. The path may be rocky, but your hand guides and steadies me. In your name I pray, Amen.


April 15th


April 13th