April 27th
Scripture - Mark 8
Observation - Peter said that Jesus is the Christ. He realized that Jesus is the anointed one of God, the Messiah. Most people thought that Jesus was just a good man or even a prophet, but Peter testified that Jesus is the Savior that everyone had been waiting for. Peter was beginning to realize the true identity of the one he was following.
Application - Take a moment and think back to the day when you first believed Jesus was the Christ. Pray this week for someone who has yet to realize that Jesus is the Messiah.
Prayer - Father, thank you for helping me realize that Jesus is the Messiah. Help me to share that same truth with other people. Lead me to opportunities to share that same truth with other people that need to hear about you. I pray for those that have strayed and need to come back to you as well. May they discover your love and compassion once again. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.