April 12th
Scripture - Luke 17
Observation - Jesus refers to the millstone in his teaching as an example of how much weight a person bears when living in sin. He teaches his disciples that the number times a person has sinned doesn’t matter when a person asks for forgiveness. He explain to them that a person will always be forgiven when they repent of their sins. The disciples responded to Jesus by asking him to grow their faith even more. Jesus simply stated that faith begins as small as a mustard seed. Jesus knew how much this moment would stretch his followers’ faith, but Jesus also knew that they would be able to forgive as their faith grew and stretched.
Application - Forgiveness seems to be the one thing that most people find hard to do. It seems easier to take the moment that something was done to you and bury it deep in your heart. But what happens is that moment begins to grow roots of bitterness and from the bitterness comes anger and unforgiveness. It begins to turn you into someone that no one wants to be around. Forgiveness is not only for the benefit of the other person, but rather a valuable moment for you to give your situation over to God. Take some time to ask God to help you forgive anyone that you have held back forgiveness from, after all, he is the Master of forgiveness.
Prayer - Father, thank you for your gift of forgiveness. Your mercy flows over me in spite of my faults and failures. Your Word says to, “clothe yourselves with love, which binds together in perfect harmony.” (Col 3:14) Help me demonstrate unconditional love today, even to those who hurt me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.