May 9th

Scripture - Romans 4

Observation - Paul was explaining to his readers that no amount of works could have saved Abraham, and no amount of works could save them either. The only way for anyone to be saved is through Faith in Christ alone. He is the one who has made a way for all humankind -anyone that would believe.

Application - It is easy to think that if we try hard enough, pray more, do all of the right things, live a good life that we will be saved. But none of that saved Abraham. It was through faith that he was saved, and it is still through Faith in Christ that anyone can be saved. Take some time to thank God for what he has done -thank him that there is no way to earn salvation ourselves.

Prayer - God thank you for making a way for me to be make whole and complete-not by my own efforts, but through your work on the cross. My own efforts can get me no where, but your work on the cross sets me free from the death and destruction of the sin that so often trips me up. Because of YOU JESUS, I am saved! Thank you.


May 10th


May 8th