May 15th

Scripture - Romans 10

Observation - God’s people knew of God, but they consistently rejected the truth in his words because they believed that they had to gain God’s approval through being good and doing good works. They didn’t understand righteousness or apply it to their lives. What they lacked gaining insight on was that it is only through Christ, the whole and true manifestation of God’s righteousness, can people become right with God. By protecting the law, they missed God’s great truth: He has sent his son as their Savior. 

Application - As a Christian, it is easy to get caught up in following certain rules or figuring out how far is too far when making choices. But the truth is that when we apply Christ to our lives, dig deep in his word, and lead a life of prayer, we don’t have to worry about rules and regulations. Accepting Christ as our savior, we realize that HE makes us complete and whole. As we allow Christ to take over our lives, the old patterns of our lives fall away, and He shines through, bearing good fruit.

Prayer - Jesus, each day I want you to be in my life. I want to walk beside you and talk with you. Help me first to rely on you, rather than my own works. I desire your heart and passions to flood my life. Help me keep my eyes forward and on you. My old way of life is done and over with. My new life is captured by you. In your name I pray, amen.


May 16th


May 14th