August 3rd

Scripture - John 19

 Observation - Jesus is hanging on the cross. A moment we’ve come to imprint on our hearts as Christians. As he’s hanging on the cross, he looks down, and soaks in a tender moment. The women who have followed him around on his ministry are now at his feet weeping. The woman he loves the most, his mom, is there also. Before his final breath, he looks to John and asks him to care for her.

 Application - Take a moment to thank God for making you who you are today. Tell him that you, too, want to be near him, and ask how you might serve him today.

Prayer - Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins and conquering death and the grave. Thank you for breaking the chains of bondage and setting me free. Help me take a place in my church and use my gifts to further your kingdom. In your name I pray, amen.


August 4th


August 2nd