August 6th
Scripture - Acts 1
Observation - After Jesus rose from the grave, he appeared to his disciples, proving to them that He had risen from the dead. When he ascended into heaven, two white robed men suddenly stood among them and asked why they were still standing there. Jesus had ascended and will return one day the same way that he had left.
Application - Sometimes we stay in the places where God did something, but he is calling us to keep living out our faith in him, to keep moving forward. Is there a space in your life that you need to hear the question why are you still standing here? God invites us to worship and thank him for the amazing things that he has done, and he invites us to keep moving forward.
Prayer - Thank you God for all that you’ve done already. Help me to keep moving forward in obedience to you, discovering the work that you continue to do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.