September 10th

Scripture - Hebrews 8

Observation - Jesus is our new high priest. He makes it possible for us to be made truly whole through the sacrifice he made for us on the cross. “I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." Christ has paid the price for our salvation and is our Savior, our God.

Application - Sometimes we think that through our actions and even through our religious practices that we can save ourselves, or make a ourselves whole. Thankfully, Christ has made it possible for us to be made whole instead. No amount of good works or worship could ever make us whole. Instead, we get to worship him in response to the work that he has done for us.

Prayer - God, thank you for making me whole through the work of your son, Jesus Christ. I put my trust in You, knowing that You have made a way for me to be saved, rather than anything that I could accomplish on my own. Help me to learn to continuously trust you to be my savior, responding with a life of worship because of who you are. In Jesus name, Amen.


September 11th


September 9th