October 8th
Scripture - Joshua 7
Observation - This chapter tells a pretty intense story in Israel’s history. A man had taken some things that God had told them not to, because of his disobedience, people from Israel had died in battle. As a result of his disobedience and the deaths he brought on Israel, he and his family were put to death.
Thankfully, God is much more gracious with us today. However, He invites us to be consistent in following his design, obeying his ways of life. A Chan has brought death not only on himself, but to his nation. Living outside of God’s design, invites the enemy’s design of destruction into our lives. Living God’s way, invites the abundant life that he gives into our lives.
Application - Take a few minutes to allow God to search your heart, your life- is there anything in your life that he is inviting you to let go of? Sometimes it is easier to hold onto things of this world, rather than cling to God.
Prayer - God, search my heart, know my thoughts, and point out anything in my life that I should let go of.