January 30th
Scripture- Matthew 12
Observe It- The pharisee’s made a long list of do’s and don’ts. They looked at the outside, instead of at the hearts of people.
Human need is more important than rituals
Jesus is the temple and Lord over the sabbath – something that the pharisee’s could not wrap their head around.
We doubt that Jesus wants to use us to do the miraculous or heal others. Sometimes onlookers have more faith like the pharisees did who were waiting and watching to see if Jesus would heal the crippled hand man.
Jesus retreated when plots of his death were made. This was out of respect for God’s ultimate plan. Things could not happen too soon.
Jesus is the perfect example of how to be a servant unto others.
Envy of others can cause us to condemn people.
Jesus continually warned the Jewish leaders not to have their hearts hardened against him, or reject him.
The more we reject Jesus, the more our hearts are hardened and grow distant against him. There may be a day that’s it’s too late to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior.
We will be known by the fruit that we bear.
Our words reveal what is truly in our hearts.
Apply It – Everything we do is seen by others. We need to make sure that how we act, think, and speak is always reflecting Jesus. Take the opportunity now to get right with God or accept him into your heart. We aren’t always promised tomorrow. Take opportunities to serve in your church and/or community.
Prayer -
May all that I do always be an example of you showing through me. I want people to see you when they see me. If there are moments that cross that line, give my heart a quick check and help me to respond to you in that moment. Father, if my heart is hardened against you, or if there is something lying deep inside me that separates me from you, help me to deal with that and free its grips off me.
In your name I pray,