February 1st
Scripture- Matthew 14
Observe It – John the Baptist followed God and his convictions at a high cost. In this same chapter, we read about how Jesus took a five loaves of bread and a couple of fish and fed over five thousand people. As we read on, we read a story about Peter getting out of boat to walk out to Jesus.
Apply It – Has there been a time in your life when you’ve paid a price for following God and holding onto your convictions? Have there been some times when God has blown you away by providing for you in a way that you didn’t think possible? Have there been times when you realized you need to step out of the ‘boat’ you’re comfortable in and live differently? How can reading these verses influence the way you’ll live today, your work ethic, how you care for your family? How could realizing that God moves in a lot of different ways help you trust Him in a deeper way?
Prayer – Lord, help me to live in response to what I read in your word. May I have the courage to live for you. Open my eyes to see the way you’re providing for me. Would you give me the courage to step out of my comfort and into obedience for you? Most of all, help me to trust you more today than I did yesterday. In Jesus Name, Amen.