February 6th

Scripture- Matthew 19

Observe It – We continue to see Jesus working among the people in the towns that he visits. With those visits, the Pharisee’s continue their pursuit of trapping Jesus. They ask him about divorce. Jesus simply answers like all things, marriage was intended to be for a lifetime and serve as a model of Christ’s relationship with the church. Jesus’ statements are always said with love, and never condemnation. He continually points out the consequences of what happens when our hearts become hardened against him. After all, God has set these ideas, his law as guidelines for community. He wants to protect what He’s given us in marriage. Regardless, even when we mess up, or fail, God’s love is pure and perfect, it fills those moments and seasons of our imperfections with the forgiveness that we need from Him.

Jesus’ last statements in this chapter explain that when we give up our earthly needs and everything we are, our rewards are rich in heaven. Nothing on earth will ever satisfy that. Only Jesus can be that filling where emptiness dwells.

Apply it - How does your heart line up with God’s? What is God asking you to give up as you follow him? Have you ever pushed against God’s design for life and realized that He really wants whats best for you? Have you ever tried to fill the emptiness inside of you with something else besides God? How did you feel? How do you feel when you let everything go and allow God to work? 

Prayer - God, may our hearts always be aligned with yours and never become hardened against you. When things try to take root in our hearts, I ask that you break it off. I want my life to be a reflection of the love you have for me. I want others to see that love and experience the same thing. In your name, Amen.


February 7th


February 5th