January 28th

Scripture- Matthew 10

Observe It–

-Jesus has authority to drive out demons and to heal the sick.

-He gave his disciples power and authority; the same that Jesus had to heal the sick.

- As the disciples went out, they were helping to establish the ministry of Jesus Christ. They were his extension. 

-There would be persecution and trouble as the disciples set forth. 

Apply It- Even today, when we choose to follow Jesus, our lives are filled with persecution, trouble, and hard-times. But still, we must preach truth in love to others. We must still fill the gap on lost souls. We must not back down, but come together united, standing firm in the faith together. Our words may never be popular with the world, but Jesus needs to be spread to the hurting, broken, lost, and sick - to bring his PLAN of Salvation, the HOPE of Jesus Christ, for FUTURE Generations.

Prayer- Father, thank-you for always giving me strength to fight off the adversary. Thank-you for giving me strength to face each new day. I pray that you grow my words so that when they come out of my mouth they are words of love, not hate. Even though the world may taunt me, I will still serve you always. In your name, Amen.


January 29th


January 27th