February 18th
Scripture - Philippians 3
Observe It - When Paul became a believer, he was filled with passion like never before. Paul who was also known as Saul grew up as a Jewish Rabbi, a second-generation Pharisee, and was a leader in the Jewish community. To put it in perspective, once Paul began to follow Christ, he was chased out of town, arrested several times, and put his life in danger. He literally gave up everything in his life to follow Jesus. He literally left his old life behind like trash when he began to follow Christ. He encouragers others in this chapter to take a look at their own lives and instead of conforming to the world as the know it, he invites them to put it all aside for the call of Christ.
Apply It- Are we perfect when we become Christians? Most definitely not. Our lives are anything but perfect because we are still sinners in our hearts. But, as our lives conform to Jesus, the more the old ways we once knew begin to fade away and melt off of us. We are now filled with love, grace, kindness, and yes, even patience. Right now, what is it that you can give up for Christ?
Prayer - Father, help me to have the same passion for you that Paul once had. Fill my heart with fire that never ceases. Let it consume every part of my life. Whatever lies on my heart that is not of you, I ask right now father that it breaks off in your name. Grow me more Lord. In Your name, Amen.