March 16th
Scripture - 2 Corinthians 9
Observation - Being diligent with your finances is what Paul emphasizes in this chapter. The Corinthian Christians were having a hard time with giving. Paul uses sarcasm or maybe even humor to get the Corinthian Christians in the mindset to willingly give selflessly. He uses an analogy of a farmer sowing seeds to help his readers understand what he’s saying. When a farmer doesn’t plant a lot of seeds, he shouldn’t expect much to grow, but when he goes above and beyond with the seeds that he plants, he will see a lot more growth. The same is with our giving to God. When we give from our hearts and with generosity, God will go above and beyond to bless you back. But when you hold back from God, He will hold back from you.
Application - When we trust God with our finances, we know and can trust that God will give us an abundance of reward both here and in heaven. When we give to God’s kingdom, it’s just not money that is brought back to us, we see growth in our faith, in winning souls and ministering to the community. How can you be a more generous giver? What is a tangible way that you can personally respond to what Paul teaches in 2 Corinthians 9?
Prayer - Father, I don’t want to hold anything back from you. When it comes to the money that you’ve trusted me with, I don’t ever want to try to hold my money all to myself. Teach me how to be a generous giver and pour into your kingdom, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen