March 13th
Scripture - 2 Corinthians 6
Observation - Paul explained to the Corinthians that their good works were not reason they received God’s grace. Grace is always freely given. Just because grace is given freely, doesn’t mean that we should become complacent in following Jesus. Paul then continues on to write to the Corinthians about how following Jesus, ministry, and life in general can be challenging, even as we follow Jesus. Paul had poured out his life for their sake, but they had not opened their hearts to him. He urged them in verse 13 to open their hearts to him too— it seems that he was teaching them to not be just takers, but givers too. Then Paul urges his readers not to let anything be more important than God - no relationship, no job, nothing at all.
Application - Take a few minutes to thank God for his GRACE that he has given you so freely. God gives us grace so freely, and even places amazing mentors in our lives. Is there a person like Paul in your life that you could bless like Paul urged the Corinthians to do for him? Finally, take a few moments to examine your heart- is there anything that is sneaking it’s way into a more important place in your life than God? Take a step to lay down that distraction, or reassess your priorities.
Prayer - Father, you see my weaknesses and my failings, and without you I cannot accomplish what you have set before me. Your grace is never ending over my life. Give me patience as I walk out the path you have set before me. Help me to see people that I can give back to in my life. Finally, let nothing take a higher priority than you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.