March 9th

Scripture - 2 Corinthians 2

Observe It - Romans would take their captives and lead them through the crowds that lined the streets. We were once captives, but now we are overcome by God’s love and taken captive to his victory parade. We are on display for all the world to see how God’s goodness radiates in our lives. We are a sweet aroma, pleasing to God, but if we reject God, we bring on an odor of death. 

Apply It - God loves nothing more than to show his love through us. We are his creation, made in his image. We reflect all that God is to a dark and hurting world. When we step away from his light, we no longer shine, but instead fade into the darkness. What areas of your life are that sweet aroma to the world? What areas do you need to surrender and allow God to bring back into alignment with him?

Prayer - Father, take my life and make it yours. Let me be a reflection of your love, grace, joy, and peace. Gather me into your arms so that I might find rest there. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


March 10th


March 8th