May 26th
Scripture - 1 Samuel 5
Observation - The arc was in enemy territory, next to an idol that the people had built to a false God. The idol fell the first night, then the second night, it was broken in half. The people of that nation did not want to hold onto the arc anymore because they realized that it would continue to destroy the gods that they worshipped.
Application - When God is involved in our lives, he won’t allow false gods to exist. It’s so easy to get caught up in pursuing things other than God, but GOD is passionate about our allegiance and worship to Him. Are there areas of your life that God might be inviting you to hand over to him?
Prayer - God, may my focus and attention be fixed on you. With so much in our world that is reaching for our attention, may my priority be always on you first. In Jesus’ name. Amen.