February 12th
Scripture - Matthew 25
Observe It - Here Jesus uses a Jewish tradition in reference to be ready for his return one day. He warns believers that no human will know when Jesus will return. Until he returns, prepare yourself for when that day comes. We should be filled with the Holy Spirit to help us as we serve God’s people. Be ready. The price for failing to be ready is too high. There will be a day that some people will not be able to accept Jesus anymore. Once the door is shut, that’s it.
Jesus also uses another parable involving talents. He gives talents (amounts of money) to three servants. Two of them did something wise with the money and made more use out of it, while another one hid it away. The first two did something with the money they were given, while the last person simply hid it. If we do something with what God has entrusted us with, he will expand it.
Apply It - Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, what are you waiting for? Today is the day to take the leap and ask Jesus into your heart and life. Do you use what God gave you wisely, or do you hide it away? Whatever gifts God has given you, you should use to the best of your abilities. God will honor you in the small and big.
Prayer - Father, I ask that you forgive my sins and come into my life. I don’t want to hold back anymore. I want to live a life with you by my side. I also want to discover the gifts that you have placed in my life. Help me to step out in the giftings you have for me. In your name, Amen.