February 13th
Scripture - Matthew 26
Observe It - Jesus, sitting down with his disciples signified that the time for him to be handed over to the authorities had come. He was also the ultimate Passover lamb; he was about die on the cross for our sins. There would now be a new redemption set in place. Because of his sacrifice we no longer have to make animal sacrifices. Through Jesus Christ we have connection to Father God that man didn’t have before this time. He was also absolving what Adam and Eve had done in the Garden of Eden. Now, all humankind has to do is to ask Jesus into their hearts and minds and ask for forgiveness of their sins. Such a simple step to take to live in the joy and freedom that God created for all of us!
Apply It - That first step towards salvation can be scary! We are not promised that our lives will not be suddenly easier or better. In fact, our lives may become harder because Satan does all that he can to take us out and lead us back to the lives we once knew. Our salvation has been paid for once and for all by Christ. However, we are constantly on the journey of Christ working his way into our lives. It is a constant, daily journey. But, the more we get to know our Savior, the more we learn how to battle our flesh, minds, and Satan. We are able to stand more victorious!!!
Prayer - God, thank you for sending your only son to die for my sins. Because of what Christ did, I am able to step into freedom. I ask you that if there’s something that I need to deal with, that you would reveal that to me. In Your name, Amen.