February 15th

Scripture - Matthew 28

Observe It - What a glorious day! On this day in Matthew, we observe how Jesus overcame death and the grave! He rose from that dark tomb! Mary Magdalene and Mary saw the empty tomb and an angel of the Lord told them not to be afraid, but to go tell the disciples that Jesus had risen! They met Jesus at the moment and with glorious triumph, worshipped him. What a moment of true worship with our Savior! Just a few days later, Jesus commissioned the disciples to go out into the world and spread the gospel. And then before he left, he promised that he will always be with them.

Apply It - Just like the disciples, we too are commissioned to spread the gospel with the same authority Jesus had. What miracles have you seen? Do you sometimes get scared to share Jesus with others? It can sometimes be scary to step out and share gospel, but Jesus is always there to make you brave and bold.

Prayer - Father, in areas that I struggle to spread the gospel, help me to grow in that area. Help me to plant seeds wherever I go and to be ready for opportunities to share Jesus with others. Give me a boldness like I’ve never had before. In your name I pray, Amen.


February 16th


February 14th