February 16th
Scripture - Philippians 1
Observe It - During this time, Paul was under house arrest and he wrote a letter to his close friends who were the Christians in Philippi. The Philippians had allowed God to work through them, and for that Paul was grateful. He prayed with joy when he thought of the church there. When we all work together, we can overcome obstacles and circumstances to do what God needs us to do. The Philippians also had Paul’s back when he was under trial. Paul also expresses that we can always be filled with more love then we already have. Even with Paul in prison his work continued for God. It didn’t stop Paul from sharing the Plan, Hope and Future of God.
Apply It - At 29:11 we talk a lot about community. We can see that even in Biblical times, community was important. The Philippians knew how to stand beside someone through trials. That’s what makes community groups so important. It allows you to connect with others and for them to have your back in hard times. Have you found a community group that you like? What holds you back from being involved with one?
Prayer - God, I ask that you continue growing our community groups. I pray for those who have not found community yet, that you lead them to the right group. I pray that you would help us to stand up for those who need it and lead us to pray for those who need extra battle through prayer. In Your name, Amen.